egy tag profilképe


PhD in English Literary Studies

Jelenlegi helyzet

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Szakmai törekvés

English Literature/Language teacher
friss diplomás
fizetési igény
Nincs megadva
- jelentéktelen
- Tanársegéd
- Író, költő
- Oktatás, kutatás, tudomány
- Kutatás, fejlesztés
- Művészet, kultúra

szakmai tapasztalatok

Phd student of english literary studies

Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE) , Budapest - Határozott idejű, teljes munkaidős

Szeptember 2020 -tól Ma -ig

- Attained 5/5 (excellent) grade in "Experiential Informatics", a teacher-training module.
- Completed the 4-week intercultural training workshop “Transitions, Communication, Wellbeing”, designed by the Department of International Affairs for international students.
- Presented the paper “Individualism and Collectivism in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Antony and Cleopatra” at the MODA Doctoral Research Conference in ELTE on 4 June 2021 via MS Teams.
- Officially invited to present the paper “Individualism and Collectivism in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Antony and Cleopatra” at the BritGrad Conference in Birmingham University on Zoom between 23-27 August 2021.
- Fulfilled certain administrative tasks such as guiding BA and MA students on how to write properly in Academic English by holding weekly office hours via MS Teams and providing guidelines on academic research and writing via Facebook on the SEAS Writing Center page.
- Awarded The Stipendium Hungaricum Doctoral Scholarship by Tempus Public Foundation between 2020-24.

Volunteer conference assistant

Eötvös Loránd University, IATEFL Hungary, and Association of Hungarian Language Schools , Budapest - Önkéntesség

Szeptember 2018 -tól Április 2019 -ig

- Managed conference rooms and helped delegates prepare for their presentations during the Second International Conference on Sociolinguistics at ELTE between 4–8 September 2018.
- Provided welcome to all visitors and directed them to their conference rooms during the 28th Annual IATEFL - Hungary Conference entitled "Flying Colours" between 6–7 October 2018.
- Wrote reports for the workshops run in the NYESZE Conference for languages between 26–27 April 2019.

English language teacher

Damascus University , Damascus

Szeptember 2015 -tól December 2015 -ig

- Taught English as a foreign language to four undergraduate classes at the Departments of Spanish and Russian Languages (16 hours/week).
- Created successful strategies for classroom behaviour management.
- Developed skills in lesson planning and assessment.
- Acquired the ability to design and grade tests at the end of the term.
- Devised new teaching methods that helped students hone their language skills.
- Maintained a very positive relationship with my students and received a highly favourable feedback from them.

További képzéseks

Master Degree

Eötvös Loránd University - English Studies

2017 à 2019

- Overall classification: "outstanding". Ranked among the top 1-5% of my cohort.
- Thesis: “The Question of Cleopatra’s Humanity in Shakespeare and Dryden”. Thesis writing and defence grades: 5/5 (excellent); English Literature track grades: 5/5 (excellent).
- Officially invited to present the paper “The Question of Cleopatra’s Love and Humanity in Shakespeare and Dryden” at the BritGrad Conference in Birmingham University in 2018 and 2019.
- Received a generous travel grant (143674 HUF) from The Talent Support Council to attend the BritGrad conference in the UK in 2019.
- Awarded The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship by Tempus Public Foundation between 2017-19.

Bachelor Degree

Damascus University - English Language and Literature

2011 à 2015

Overall percentage: 77.14%.
Ranked among the top 1-5% of my cohort.

Alumni Tagozatok és az Alumni Központ

ELTE Alumni


Social Psychology Network



ELTE – Doctoral School of Literary Studies – 2024


Anglais - Folyékony

Arabe - Anyanyelv

Français - Szakmai

Allemand - Alap

Japonais - Szakmai

Coréen - Alap

Hongrois - Alap


Behaviour Management
Lesson Planning
Problem Solving Skills
Critical Thinking
Research Skills
Analytical Skills
Textual Analysis
Presentation Skills
Communication Skills
Time Management
Organizational Skills
Computer Skills

érdeklődési kör

  • Shakespeare
  • Renaissance
  • Romanticism
  • Literature
  • Drama and Theatre
  • Visual Art
  • Culture